Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 274- A Complete Story

This month I wrote a Christmas story one sentence at a time. I thought since it was the end of the month (and year) I would just post the story in its entirety. At the very end will be the very last sentence.

The fact that I made it on time for this flight is a Christmas miracle in itself. Not only did I oversleep, traffic to get here was terrible and the lineup for all the holiday travelers seemed never ending. If I had missed this flight it would have been horrible because this is the first time I have gone home for Christmas time since moving out five years ago. It wasn't that I didn't want to go home for the holidays, but being the personal assistant to a big time music executive doesn't always allow for time off. With my boss going home himself this year meant that I got to go home too. 

To say I wasn’t nervous about this trip home would be a lie because I was very nervous. I'm not nervous to see my family, I'm nervous for all the questions that I know they will be asking. They will ask questions like, “How’s work,” “What’s your apartment like,” “ How can you live in such a big city,” “What are your friends like,” “Any cute boys around,” and “Are you happy out there?” My answers will be, “Work is demanding and exhausting,” “The city is nice, but something you have to get use to,” “I barely see the two friends I have since I work so much,”  “ There are a lot of cute boys, but I don’t have anytime for them,” and “Define happy.”

The truth was I had been so unhappy lately I had been debating if I should pack up my things, move back home, and start all over. I was hoping that my seat on this flight was next to someone who didn’t wanted to talk as much as me so that I could spend my entire 6 hours on this flight and do nothing but think about what I was going to do. As I walked to my seat I was happy to see a man, probably my Dad’s age, already laying back looking like he was sleeping. I decided I would try the same thing seeing as take off is always a little nerve racking for me. I thought this trick of falling asleep before take off might actually work until I felt the plane starting to back up. 

“In and out, just breath in and out.” The man next to me was no longer sleeping  but  instead was looking at me, breathing in and out, trying to get me to copy him.  I followed his lead because something about him made me automatically trust him and feel safe. Whatever he made me do was exactly what I needed to get through the initial take off because by the time we got to the cruise section of the flight I felt calm and relaxed.

It was about three hours into that flight when I was pulled out of my thoughts by the man sitting next to me because he asked, “Are you going home for the holidays?” I told him I was and asked if he was as well which is how the small talk between us began. It was during this small talk that I learned the man sitting next to me was named Nick, he and his wife didn’t have any children of their own but fostered children often, and that he had a job that caused him to travel a lot, especially during the end of the year. He made it so comfortable to talk that I even opened up to him and told him I was so unhappy lately and was contemplating moving back home. 

Nick asked me, “ Do you think if you moved back you would regret it and be even more unhappy?” I hadn’t thought about it or been asked in that way, so when he did it took me back a bit. Would I be happier if I moved back home or would everything be the same just in a different place? The next hour of our flight both Nick and I sat in silence while I thought about the things that make me happy. To be honest there was only one thing that truly made me happy and that was being around the people that I loved and that loved me back: my family and friends. As I got up to walk around and stretch my legs I figured out that the real reason I had been unhappy lately was because I had been away from the people that make me happy for so long. As soon as realized this I walked back to my seat to tell Nick, but when I got there he was gone. In his seat there was a note instead. 

Day 274- A Christmas Story

It read, “ Sorry about leaving before the flight was done, but I had work to get to work and I knew you would figure out the answer to your question before the flight was over; enjoy your family tomorrow on Christmas and good luck on your move back home- Sincerely, Saint Nick.”

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 273- NYE Nails

Today at work I chipped a nail. Naturally that means I have to completely redo them because I can't have chipped nails going into the new year!! They are pretty simple, but that's how I like them. I can't handle all sorts of designs, rhinestones, and multiple colors. Glitter is about as crazy as I go. Check out the results below.

Day 273- A Christmas Story

In his seat there was a note instead. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 272- Purpose of Life

Today I was reading my book by M.J. Ryan entitled Attitudes of Gratitude: How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day of Your Life. I have talked about this book in the past, but something I was reading today really stuck out. She wrote, "You are an amazingingly rare, totally nonreplicable individual with talents and gifts that the world anxiously needs. The more that you experience the truth of your uniqueness and beauty, the more you will feel gratitude of your particular gifts, and the more you will be able to deliver those gifts."

The above section I pulled out was part of a chapter that discusses that we all have a purpose. For the longest time I would hear the sayings "Everything happens for a reason" and "The is a reason why we are here." I would hear them but I wasn't too sure if I believed them. A lot of the times when people say these quotes there is some kind of religious undertone to them. Since I didn't grow up with religious beliefs, I didn't put much stock into the ideas.

It wasn't until last year when my younger brother and I were taking a walk. I was having a particularly terrible day and just needed to get out of the house. My brother agreed to go on a walk around the neighborhood with me. I can't remember what we were talking about but I know it was a deep conversation about what was the reason and purpose of life. I remember him saying to me, "There is a reason we are here, you specifically. All the health issues you've been through. You have literally died on an operating table and came back to life. You are suppose to be here." I still remember exactly where we were on our walk when he said that to me. It was the first time I actually believed the ideas that we are here for a reason and that everything happens for a reason. It was my atheist brother that made me finally believe that there just might be a Creator, a God, out there who has a plan and a reason for us. Talk about irony.

A huge part in my healing and overcoming the past few years is that I think I have figured out the reason for my anxiety and depression. I may be completely wrong, but even if I am it doesn't matter. It is right to me and has helped me heal. I believe the reason why I initially got my bowl obstruction is because I was suppose to develop anxiety from it, and ultimately have that lead to depression. Without it I would have never met my therapist who would encourage me to go through with my idea of writing this blog so that I can share my story and hopefully help. My gift, I believe, is my ability to write.

As far as my purpose here, I'm still not sure. I'm not sure I'll ever know and that's okay. I hope though that it is to make a difference in some one's life; whether it is someone I have already met or some one I will meet. It can be through my writing, lending a caring hand, sharing the tremendous amounts of love I feel I have inside me, or giving a loving home to a child or animal in need. Whatever it is, I just want to make a positive impact no matter how large or small.

Day 272- A Christmas Story

As soon as realized this I walked back to my seat to tell Nick, but when I got there he was gone.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Day 271- Quack, Quack, Quack

For Christmas my brother bought tickets for him and I to go to the Ducks hockey game. The game was today and it was a lot of fun. We left early to have a late lunch at a restaurant we don't have where we live. We even had enough time to go to the team shop at the arena and buy a few things. I bought a new shirt and my brother bought a new jersey. It was nice being able to spend time with him and to top it all off, the Ducks won in overtime!!

Day 270- A Christmas Story

 As I got up to walk around and stretch my legs I figured out that the real reason I had been unhappy lately was because I had been away from the people that make me happy for so long.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Day 270- I Shouldn't Have

I shouldn't have gone to meet my friends for dinner tonight. Now I'm tired and unmotivated to write. Instead I want to just curl up on the couch, put a movie on, and read my trashy celebrity gossip magazine I got in the mail today. Then again it was nice to get out of the house and spend an hour or so with a few friends because next time I see them will be in 2014. Crazy.

Day 270- A Christmas Story

To be honest there was only one thing that truly made me happy and that was being around the people that I loved and that loved me back: my family and friends.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Day 269- Another Happiness Journey

A few weeks ago two friends of mine left on a journey on a lifetime. They are high school sweethearts and two of the best people I know. A few months ago they realized how unhappy they were with their jobs and knew that it was time for a change. So they decided to sell their house, sell their cars, sell the majority of their possessions, and quit their jobs. With that money they decided to take the time to travel the world and see where the next 6 months to a year take them. They planned the first few weeks of their journey and are starting out in the Philippines. After that, they are going to go wherever the journey takes them.

As a way to keep all their friends and family updated on their journey they made a special Instagram account and are writing their journey on a blog. I read it last night. I am so proud, and a little jealous, of them. It's so inspiring to see others who I consider friends on their own journey to happiness.  It just shows me how capable we all are to making a change in our lives. It is never easy and can definitely be scary, but we all have that power in us. Whether it's traveling the world like them or seeking help like me, as long as you take that chance a change is possible. I can't wait to see what else their journey has in store for them, and I can't wait to see what mine has in store for mine.

Day 269- A Christmas Story

The next hour of our flight both Nick and I sat in silence while I thought about the things that make me happy. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Day 268- Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!

Day 268- A Christmas Story

Would I be happier if I moved back home or would everything be the same just in a different place?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Day 267- Bucket List Addition

This item I am going to cross off today isn't on my list right now. It was something I have always wanted to do, but didn't realize it was something I wanted on my list until today.

As you know I did not grow up religious. Going to church was unheard of in my family. I had friends though who did go to church, but only on Easter and Christmas Eve. For whatever reason I had always wanted to go but I never asked anyone to go with them. To me it seemed like it would be something fun. Well this past Easter I went to church so I am putting it on and crossing it off my bucket list. Apparently, the one time I spent Christmas in Canada we went to 8:00 P.M. mass on Christmas Eve, but I don't remember nor did I have the beliefs I have now. Tonight I will also add and cross off going to church on Christmas Eve to my bucket list.  Two items off the list is a nice way to start the holiday.

118.) Go to Church Easter Sunday.
119.) Go to Church Christmas Eve.

Day 267- A Christmas Story

I hadn’t thought about it or been asked in that way, so when he did it took me back a bit.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Day 266- A Good Deed

Tonight I did something I had been feeling the need to do for awhile. I'm not going to talk about it too much because I don't think it is a good character trait to boast and brag when we do something good. All I will say is I went out of my way to help someone in need. There were a good amount of people around, so I hope someone did see it and got inspired to help someone else in need. I

t is the holidays and I have a lot to be thankful and grateful for. I have an amazing family, great friends, the best dog in the entire world, a roof over my head, a closet full of clothes, a warm bed to sleep in every night, a job, and a full belly. It is important to remember that and give back to those not as fortunate than myself.

Day 266- A Christmas Story

Nick asked me, “ Do you think if you moved back you would regret it and be even more unhappy?”

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Day 265- Time To Recharge

Since this week my anxiety had been higher than normal lately, I thought I would take the day and recharge. I would do so by doing things today that I love and make me happy. So, I got up this morning and went to church with my mom. This afternoon I sat outside in the sun because it was so warm and beautiful outside. I gave myself a manicure and pedicure, read a magazine, and hangout with Tyson. This evening my mom and I plan on watching a Christmas movie and just relaxing. I don't know why I don't have a day more often like this. It's important to set aside time for ourselves every so often to relax and recharge.

Day 265- A Christmas Story

He made it so comfortable to talk that I even opened up to him and told him I was so unhappy lately and was contemplating moving back home.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Day 264- Not Ready Yet

The other day I went to my doctor that has been monitoring me while I've been on my medication. She asked me how I was doing and how I thought the medication was working. I told her I had been doing well, but this past week my anxiety has been there more than it has been in the past few months. I mentioned earlier this month how December was a very rough month last year and I was a little nervous about it. I know I have had those memories in the back of my head almost every day. I also have realized that with the holidays I have not been eating very well. Lots of sweets, desserts, and soda. She did mentioned that often memories and our eating habits can definitely have an effect on the anxiety. She was concerned that I was allowing it to escalade and was slowly allowing the depression to come back as well. I told her no, that even though the anxiety has been there, I have not allowed it to escalade past a certain point.

I have done this by recognizing why the anxiety is heightened. I have been mindful of the fact December is hard.( Side note: The holidays are the times anxiety and depression rates are highest). I've also been mindful of my diet. Because I have recognized and accepted the reasons behind the heightened anxiousness, I've been able to control it. It is the recognition and acceptance that I have learned are my biggest tools in not letting myself go over into the anxiety deep end.

My doctor did give me suggestions on how to get some of those food toxins out of my system. She explained that when we are putting "junk" in our system our bodies have to take good nutrients our body stores and needs in order to get what we need to function properly. When we get rid of the "junk" our bodies can keep the good stuff right where it needs to be. She suggested I take warm baths with Epsom salt and lavender oil, or drink a cup of detoxifying tea each day. She also said the easiest way is to get back to eating healthy.

Before I left with her she asked if I thought I was ready to start weaning myself off my medication. I told her I wasn't. Even though things have been A LOT better, I still want to have a good solid year under my belt. Also since the end of last year and beginning of this year were tough, I want to get through that time before I start. It's ironic, one of the biggest issues I had to overcome was my acceptance to needing to take medication. Now I'm nervous at the thought of not needing it. I know it's natural and that one day I will be ready, but right now I know it's not the right time. And I'm okay with that.  

Day 264- A Christmas Story

It was during this small talk that I learned the man sitting next to me was named Nick, he and his wife didn’t have any children of their own but fostered children often, and that he had a job that caused him to travel a lot, especially during the end of the year.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Day 263- Saving Mr. Banks

Tonight I am going to see the movie Saving Mr. Banks with my other Disney freak friend. The movie tells the story how Walt Disney worked with the author of the book to create the movie Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins wasn't my favorite of the Disney movie growing up, but never the less it will be interesting to see the process. Plus they film part of the movie at Disneyland. Fingers crossed it's good.

Day 263- A Christmas Story

I told him I was and asked if he was as well which is how the small talk between us began.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Day 262- Don't Call Me Shirley

Five years ago today my grandpa passed away. I didn't get to spend a lot of time with him growing up because he lived in Oregon my entire life. The last few years of his life he would come down twice a year for a few weeks each time. It was during these visits that he and I became very close. My favorite memories with him are sitting outside, listening to him whistle, taking walks around the neighborhood with him, and hearing all the amazing stories he had. He would have these random weird sayings like Don't call me Shirley and Chevrolet coupe and the wheels fell off. He would say them all the time and laugh each time he would say them. I would always joke around and tell him he was a pimp because all the female nurses at the hospital he volunteered at would tell him that he was their favorite. He was an amazing man and I think about him almost every day. I miss him but I'm thankful for the time I got to spend with him.

Day 262- A Christmas Story

It was about three hours into that flight when I was pulled out of my thoughts by the man sitting next to me because he asked, “Are you going home for the holidays?”

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Day 261- A Nice Surprise

Last week I got a message from a friend asking for the link to my blog. I thought it was because she hadn't read it in awhile and wanted to catch up. I found out today after she messaged me that she actually gave the link to another friend. She told me she was so proud of me for keeping this project going. She also told me that my blog has been really helpful for that person and that they have got a lot out of it. Of course she didn't give me any details, but now she has me wondering who is the person and what is that person's story. So if you are that person reading this now, maybe one day we will have the pleasure of meeting. For now, I'm just happy to help.

Day 261- A Christmas Story

Whatever he made me do was exactly what I needed to get through the initial take off because by the time we got to the cruise section of the flight I felt calm and relaxed.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Day 260- Me? Advice Giver?

I can't believe I have a little over 100 posts left. It is crazy how fast all of this has gone by. It's even crazier though how much I have changed in this process. Tonight I was the one giving advice to someone instead of getting it. It may have been the greatest advice this world had ever heard, but it is still something I probably would not have done 9 months ago.

A friend of mine was complaining that lately they have been having trouble sleeping. I gave them a few   options they could try to help. All of the suggestions they were brushing off and automatically saying they won't work. I finally got to the point where I told them that nothing is going to change if you don't even try. If you aren't going to try, then don't complain.  It may seem harsh to some, but from my experience I have learned that is the only way a change can come.

I wanted a change. I did my share of complaining and I tried for a little. It wasn't until I dove in 100% that I finally saw change happening. I realized that it is true that others can help us, but if we don't make the ultimate decision to help ourselves and change then it won't happen. Now the not complaining part of my advice might not be the most sympathetic, but I have learned how amazing things can be when we stop complaining and start doing.

So here is my advice. It might sound cheesy or cliche, but it is the truth I have learned. If you want change to happen in your life, then get up, stop complaining, and start making the change. I promise remarkable things will happen if you do.

Day 260- A Christmas Story

I followed his lead because something about him made me automatically trust him and feel safe.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 259- In Case You Haven't Smiled Today

I'm sure some of you have seen this video before, but I love it. Makes me smile every time. Enjoy!

Day 259- A Christmas Story

The man next to me was no longer sleeping  but  instead was looking at me, breathing in and out, trying to get me to copy him.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Day 258- I Didn't Want To

Two things that drive me crazy are wrapping presents and uploading and editing photos on a computer. Today I had to do both of those things. I wrapped Christmas presents today for my Dad. He has never really done it much. He was always working so much around the holidays so he would just be a box or a bag guy when it came to gifts. So the last few years I have helped him out by wrapping my Mom's gifts for him. I hate doing it though because I don't have the patients for it. All the cutting, taping, and stuffing can only be done for so long.

I also hate uploading photos to my computer and editing them. I don't to it for myself, I do it for my Mom. She has one of those picture frames where the picture changes and I haven't put any new pictures on it for awhile. The reason is because it takes so long. In order for those frames to hold as many photos as it says, all the pictures must be a certain size. Unfortunately they don't come that way so today I had to resize almost 130 pictures before putting them onto her frame.

Even though I hate doing these things I did them because I know they help out my parents and make them happy. I figure after all they have done for me its the least I could do for them.

Day 258- A Christmas Story

“In and out, just breath in and out.”

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 257- For The Birds

At the beginning of the healing process for me I started to watch birds more and more. I didn't realize I was doing this at first or really knew why I was. It's not like I had been a bird person before. I remember though sitting on a bench outside at work one day while I was on a break. Next to this bench there were some bushes and there always seemed to be birds hiding near the bottom. The first time I noticed them was when I saw out of the corner of my eye two birds. It looked like they were playing tag. It was so cute. After that any time I would sit on that bench I would check to see if there were any birds hiding there.

As time went on I noticed whenever I was outside for whatever reason, whether it was walking Tyson or just enjoying being outdoors, I would watch birds I saw. Something about the way they fly around seems so peaceful. It would make me feel peaceful as well. Now I'm not going to turn into some crazy bird lady, but try it. The next time you are outside and you see a bird watch it. They could be flying around, walking on the ground, or playing tag. Just watch one. See how content and peaceful they seem, and tell me if it rubs off on you. It just may surprise you how you feel like it did to me.

Day 257- A Christmas Story

I thought this trick of falling asleep before take off might actually work until I felt the plane starting to back up.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Day 256- Christmas Party

Today is my work Christmas party. We all decided to go bowling and have dinner. We are also doing a gift exchange. Each of us had to buy a $25.00 unisex gift. We are putting all the gifts in the middle of the table and picking a gift. We will all take turns stealing and trading gifts. The key is we can only do 3 changes before we are stuck with our gift. Below is the gift I put together.

Day 256- A Christmas Story

I decided I would try the same thing seeing as take off is always a little nerve racking for me.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 255- Keeping It Under Control

Over the last few months my mom has had issues and pain in her legs. Today she is pretty sore.  The good thing is I'm not freaking out about it like I would have been a year ago. A year ago I would have thought it was caused by some bigger issue. I know I would have been so worried about it that I would have hardly been able to function. I haven't done that. I know she is doing what she needs to do to help and take care of herself. By me worrying about it I have learned nothing productive will come out of it. It won't make my mom any less sore, I won't get things done that I need to, and I'll make my parents worry about me since they know I'm worrying so much. Instead I'm doing my best to stay positive,  I keep asking my mom if there is anything she needs, and anytime I start to worry I simply ask my mom how she is feeling. That's all I can do and so far it is exactly what she and I need.

Day 255- A Christmas Story

As I walked to my seat I was happy to see a man, probably my Dad’s age, already laying back looking like he was sleeping.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 254-Merry Grinchmas

Tyson got one of his Christmas gifts early tonight. I made him a Christmas bandana to wear. It's a How the Grinch Stole Christmas theme pattern, and has all the important characters on it like the Grinch, Max his dog, Cindy Lou Who, and all the other whos.

Growing up I remember every holiday time in elementary school all the older grades (4th-6th) would each get a turn borrowing the roll in television and VCR stand (remember those!?) and they would be granted an afternoon to watch the cartoon How the Grinch Stole Christmas movie. It was one of my favorite things and always meant Christmas was near.

Day 254- A Christmas Story

I was hoping that my seat on this flight was next to someone who didn’t wanted to talk as much as me so that I could spend my entire 6 hours on this flight and do nothing but think about what I was going to do.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Day 253- Internet Down

It has been very windy the last few days, which means the internet has not been working very well tonight. As a result I am  writing this post on my phone. It is easy to write on my phone, but not as easy as it is on my computer. Translation: This is the end of the post. :)

Day 253- A Christmas Story

The truth was I had been so unhappy lately I had been debating if I should pack up my things, move back home, and start all over. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 252- Computer Jacked

In my family we each have our own personal technology. My brother and I have laptops and my parents have tablets. My parents can do A LOT on their tablets, but there are still some things that are just easier on a computer. Tonight my mom needs to use my computer. In her words, "Please don't write a novel tonight so I can use your computer." So, in order to fulfill my mom's wishes, this is the end of my post. You're welcome Mom!!

Day 252- A Christmas Story

My answers will be, “Work is demanding and exhausting,” “The city is nice, but something you have to get use to,” “I barely see the two friends I have since I work so much,”  “ There are a lot of cute boys, but I don’t have anytime for them,” and “Define happy.”

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Day 251- In The Back Of My Head

One thing that has remained in the back of my head for a few weeks now is what happened last December. I don't know any other way to describe it other than it was when I hit my rock bottom. My anxiety and depression was at an all time high. I could barely even function. I felt horrible both mentally and physically. I wasn't sleeping or eating right, and no matter how hard I tried my anxiety seemed to consistently stay at around a 10 on my anxiety scale. As a result my depression was high too because I hated that my anxiety was not allowing me to live the life I wanted to live.

After one particularly terrible night I decided that I couldn't live like this anymore. I knew there were only 2 options to changing that. I took the option of seeking help. That morning I made two phone calls. One was to schedule an appointment with a therapist, and the other was to my doctor to let her know I was ready to try medication again to see if it could help (Note: This medicine actually made things worse, but you can read that in blog post entitled Day 91-Rx).

It's weird because making those two phone calls actually seemed to lift a little bit of weight off my shoulders. It didn't completely fix the problem, but it helped. Even though I made the first step I was still a little unsure it was the right move. That Sunday though, they mentioned that the next four week series at church was going to be one in which they teach you ways to leave all your bad habits behind so that you don't bring them into the new year with you. This to me was a sign I was doing the right thing.

I also have the month of January of this year in the back of my head as well. Even though it wasn't as bad as December last year, it wasn't great either because I was not feeling connected to my therapist and the medication I so desperately did not want to take made things tougher. It wasn't until I found my new therapist, doctor, and new medicine in March of this year that things finally started to look up.

Now I'm sure some of you are wondering why I am holding onto these memories. Believe me, if I could erase them I might consider it, but probably wouldn't. I think it is good to keep them as a reminder of how far I have come. It stays as a reminder that if I ever get there again, I know the signs and know when to get help. Yes, I am a little worried that I might slip during this time of year. There is so much pressure and stress we put on the holidays that it is easy to feel anxious or depressed during this time. Right now, it is helpful, but I know one day I won't even remember the exact time of year. I'll just remember I had a bump in the road and I came out of it.

I also have to remember that las December was the bravest i've ever been. I realized I was in over my head and needed help. I took that step to get it. So instead of looking back at December 2012 and January 2013 as horrible times, I should look at them as the time that this healing process began. Hitting rock bottom at the time I did allowed me to give myself the best Christmas present ever, the first steps to getting my life back to how I wanted and how I know I deserved.

Day 251- A Christmas Story

They will ask questions like, “How’s work,” “What's your apartment like,” “ How can you live in such a big city,” “What are your friends like,” “Any cute boys around,” and “Are you happy out there?”

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Day 250- Oh Christmas Tree

Last year my parents decided it was time to get a fake Christmas tree. Needless to say I was very upset. In rebellion I went out to get my own, REAL miniature tree for my room. I decided to do the same this year. Check it out below!

Day 250- A Christmas Story

I'm not nervous to see my family, I'm nervous for all the questions that I know they will be asking.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Day 249- Still Thankful

I'm sure this video was intended for the Thanksgiving holiday, but I just saw it last night. It starts off pretty weird and seems like it will just be another stupid video, but by the end of it it makes you realize that simply being alive is something to be thankful for. It reminds you that just the fact we are here is pretty amazing. And it does that in 2 minutes and 7 seconds. So enjoy!

Day 249- A Christmas Story

To say I wasn’t nervous about this trip home would be a lie because I was very nervous.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 248- Late Night

It's interesting how in just a few months things can change. When I was working in the clothing store for the first four months of this blog project, I would mostly write when I got home at night. I wouldn't write until around 10 P.M. at night. Since I started working at my current job I'm home around 6 P.M. This means I will often write after 7 P.M. every night during the week. Tonight though after I did my usual dinner and a walk I went with my mom to run a few errands.

I'm writing this post later than my current normal and it feels so late. It is almost weird. In reality though, a few months ago this would be writing early. It is just amazing how quickly things change. It makes me realize that I need to appreciate things I have today because they can be different or even gone very quickly.

Day 248- A Christmas Story

With my boss going home himself this year meant I got to go home too.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Day 247- Brrr, It's Cold In Here

Winter time has officially arrived in Southern California. I'm sure others in much colder climates are laughing at us. It's 50 degrees here and we all think it's freezing.... including myself. In order to keep warm a few friends and I are going to our usual sushi place.

Now I don't eat sushi because the idea of raw fish freaks me out. At this place however, they also serve ramen soup. Yes, ramen like Top Ramen from a package. This kind is way better because there are different spice levels and tons of vegetables to add. So here is to hoping to warming up!

Day 247- A Christmas Story

It wasn't that I didn't want to go home for the holidays, but being the personal assistant to a big time music executive doesn't always allow for time off.   

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Day 246- Hockey Fight

In my family both my Dad's side and my Mom's side are from Canada. In fact, both my parents are from there. My dad moved to California when he was about 5 years-old and my mom moved when she was 19 years-old. Even though my brothers and I were born in America we still have Canadian blood in us, which means we love hockey.

Tonight the Los Angeles Kings are playing the Anaheim Ducks. For those of you who don't know, there is a fairly large rivalry between these two teams. There is an even bigger rivalry between the fans. In my house we are split down the middle. My parents are Kings fans and my brothers and I are Ducks fans. It will be interesting and tense for all of us to watch tonight. I'm predicting a lot of trash talking, but a lot of fun.

Day246- A Christmas Story

If I had missed this flight it would have been horrible because this is the first time I have gone home for the holidays since moving out five years ago.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 245- I Get Knocked Down

On Saturday I took a pretty big fall while walking Tyson. While I was going to step back up onto the sidewalk I slipped on some berries that were scattered on the street from the tree above. I bruised up one of my shins pretty bad, bruised both knees, one of my wrist and elbow is scratched up, and one knee is pretty scrapped up. The knee that is scrapped up is right where my knee bends, so it has not even started healing too much. It hurts to walk, get up, and is pretty red, and a little hot. 

I would be lying if I didn't say this was giving me a bit of anxiety. My biggest issues with my anxiety is that I would worry about my health. The first sign of something not right, like a stomach ache or headache, I would take it and go directly to worst case scenario in a matter of seconds. With my knee not healing, red, and a little hot I do have in the back of my head that maybe it is infected. I have even thought I don't want it to become a staff infection. 

Instead of letting it take over everything I have told myself that if I don't see any improvement by Wednesday, which will be 5 days, I will go to the doctors. In the meantime I am keeping it clean with some anti-bacterial spray and watching it. That is all I can do and I have finally realized that worrying about it won't change it, it just changes how I am. Because when I'm  in my high anxiety states, I don't function and feel like I'm driving myself crazy. Nothing positive comes out of it, and I want to be positive. 

Day 245- A Christmas Story

Not only did I oversleep, traffic to get here was terrible and the lineup for all the holiday travelers seemed never ending. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Day 244- New Month!!

Today not only starts a new month, but it starts the last month of the year. For many of us, December is the month that we celebrate and spend time with family and friends. If you are like me December also means Christmas and the start of the winter season.

Growing up every Christmas Eve my mom would read The Night Before Christmas to my brother and I. When I asked her what my challenge for December would be she expressed I should write a holiday story. So, each day this month I am going to write a holiday story.

I plan on doing it a little different though. Instead of writing 31 different stories, I'm going to write one. The challenge…. I can only write one sentence a day. I know that sounds easy, but I think trying to get an idea out with just one sentence will be hard. Especially because each day I could decide I didn't like what I wrote they day before, but I just have to go with it. I'll have to navigate my point in such a confining way. I'm up to the challenge though.

Day 244- A Christmas Story

The fact that I made it on time for this flight is a Christmas miracle in itself.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 243- It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Today my mom and I finished putting up all the decorations around the house. Check out the results below.

Day 243- I'm Thankful For....

I'm thankful for the fact that I was able to fill up an entire month worth of things I'm thankful for.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Day 243- Traditions

Growing up my family did not have too many traditions when it came to the holidays. One that we do have is the day after Thanksgiving my mom and I decorate the house for Christmas. Unfortunately the last 9 years I have been working in retail, so I have had to work. Instead I told my mom her and my aunt could decorate. This year, however, I am not working in retail and only had to go to work for a few hours so I got to take part in the tradition. My mom and I didn't get everything done today, but we can and will finish tomorrow.

Day 243- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for not having to work in a retail store on Black Friday.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 242- Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!!

Day 242- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for holiday memories.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 241- Let The Holiday Begin

Today it was very quiet at work so I actually left right on time. I was expecting there to be a lot  of traffic on the way home, but there wasn't. It is a nice way to start the holiday. It's turning out better than I initially thought.

Now, off to get ready for friendsgiving!

Day 241- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for reasons to dress up. I don't get to do it too often so I love to take advantage of it when I can.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 240- Friendsgiving

Tomorrow a few friends and I are going to gather for "friendsgiving." This is basically Thanksgiving the day before, but with friends since we will all be with our families the actual day. It's a great way to spend the holiday with our extended loved ones because the truth is for most of us, our friends are family too.

Day 240- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for all the amazing people I get to call my friends.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 239- Straight To It

I don't have too much I want to write about tonight so I'm just going to go straight to the end.

Day 239- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for my parents. Their love and support through this entire process has been unbelievable. I don't know where I would be without them. When I think about them I think about a quote I once read. It goes, "You were born because one day you will be important to someone." My parents were definitely born for me because they are the most important people to me. I couldn't image having anyone else as parents but them.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 238- Quiet Afternoon

Spent a quiet afternoon working on my Thanksgiving day crafts with my mom. The best part, we finished! So now all that is left is the cooking, the setting of the table, and enjoying the day.

Day 238- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for quality time with my mom.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 237- Short Hair Don't Care

Decided it was time for a change so I made one. This change was exterior, but I thought it would be a good way to celebrate on the interior change I've made as well. So, today I went to the hair salon (with the free hair cut gift certificate I won from my nieces fundraiser) and cut about 6 inches off. Check out the results below!

Day 237- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for being a girl. Now I've never been a boy so I really can't compare the two, but I love being a girl. I love doing all the stereotypical girlie things like shopping, getting my hair and nails done, dressing up in pretty dresses and shoes, and playing with makeup. I also love the close bonds and friendships that only girls seem to have. Simply put, I'm thankful for being me.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Day 236- Break Routine

I'm someone who likes routine and consistency. I can adapt when there are changes, but I don't particularly enjoy it. Every night during the Monday thru Friday work week is the same. I wake up every morning around 6:45A.M., I get ready, and I leave by 7:20A.M. Once I'm at work each day is definitely different, but there are still things each day that are consistent. I go to lunch around the same time every day and I leave around the same time. Once I'm home every night is almost identical. I have dinner, take Tyson for a walk, take a shower, get my clothes and lunch ready for the next day, write my blog posting, watch some television, and got to bed between 10:00-11:00P.M. every night. It is predictable and the same, but I like it.

At least on the weekends I get some kind of change. I still wake up around the same time each morning, usually around 9:00 A.M., and I will walk Tyson and write my blog at some point in the day. So I still have some routine those days of the week as well. It is important though to break away from the constant every one in awhile. Without some kind of change things get stagnant and borderline depressing. By making a few simple changes it makes you more open to changes and new experiences. Because remember, every little counts and helps.

So tonight, instead of watching television after I finish with this post, I'm going to put on some music and work on finishing some of my Thanksgiving crafts.

Day 236- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for having a roof over my head. When ever there is a cold, windy, rainy night out like there is tonight I always think how lucky I am. I know tonight I will be sleeping in a warm bed in a warm house. I know not everyone has that.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 235- Moving Fast

Tonight when I was walking Tyson I was thinking how I still have so many more posts to write. In reality I only have 130 more days before I'm all done with this project. It seems both so far away, but so soon as well. It makes me want to look back and read some posts in the beginning to see how it all started and how I have come to the point I'm currently at because before I know it will be day 365.

Day 235- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for the fact that I got an education. I will like to one day go back to get my Master's Degree, but for now I'm glad I went and finished college. As cliche as it is, my education is one thing no one can take away from me.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 234- Sharing Information

A big help for me in getting some kind of control over my anxiety and depression was to learn and gain as much information on it as I could. There is so much science and fact behind anxiety and depression that it is impossible not to learn something about it if you want to. The more I was able to look at it from that perspective, a biological/scientific way, the more I was able to grasp and deal with it. As soon as I was able to understand exactly what my brain was doing and how it worked when I was in that mind frame, it made it less overwhelming. I believe it helped me to get through it.

Even though I feel like I have a much better grasp and understanding on my anxiety than I have in my past, I still like to learn as much as I can. Things are always changing and new discoveries are being made every day. Some infer nation I find are simply facts, others are articles that give me something to strive for. I want to share an article I saw online that pertains to the something to strive for category. It describes healthy habits mentally strong people have. I don't have all of them just yet, but I have made huge strides in some areas.


Day 234- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for the occasional rainy day, both literally and metaphorically. They are opportunities to enjoy some quiet time, have some down time, reconnect with ourselves and others, and is a great time to recharge.  

Mentally strong people have healthy habits. They manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that set them up for success in life. Check out these things that mentally strong people don’t do so that you too can become more mentally strong.

1. They Don’t Waste Time Feeling Sorry for Themselves

Mentally strong people don’t sit around feeling sorry about their circumstances or how others have treated them. Instead, they take responsibility for their role in life and understand that life isn’t always easy or fair.

2. They Don’t Give Away Their Power

They don’t allow others to control them, and they don’t give someone else power over them. They don’t say things like, “My boss makes me feel bad,” because they understand that they are in control over their own emotions and they have a choice in how they respond.

3. They Don’t Shy Away from Change

Mentally strong people don’t try to avoid change. Instead, they welcome positive change and are willing to be flexible. They understand that change is inevitable and believe in their abilities to adapt.

4. They Don’t Waste Energy on Things They Can’t Control

You won’t hear a mentally strong person complaining over lost luggage or traffic jams. Instead, they focus on what they can control in their lives. They recognize that sometimes, the only thing they can control is their attitude.

5. They Don’t Worry About Pleasing Everyone

Mentally strong people recognize that they don’t need to please everyone all the time. They’re not afraid to say no or speak up when necessary. They strive to be kind and fair, but can handle other people being upset if they didn’t make them happy.

6. They Don’t Fear Taking Calculated Risks

They don’t take reckless or foolish risks, but don’t mind taking calculated risks. Mentally strong people spend time weighing the risks and benefits before making a big decision, and they’re fully informed of the potential downsides before they take action.

7. They Don’t Dwell on the Past

Mentally strong people don’t waste time dwelling on the past and wishing things could be different. They acknowledge their past and can say what they’ve learned from it. However, they don’t constantly relive bad experiences or fantasize about the glory days. Instead, they live for the present and plan for the future.

8. They Don’t Make the Same Mistakes Over and Over

Mentally strong people accept responsibility for their behavior and learn from their past mistakes. As a result, they don’t keep repeating those mistakes over and over. Instead, they move on and make better decisions in the future.

9. They Don’t Resent Other People’s Success

Mentally strong people can appreciate and celebrate other people’s success in life. They don’t grow jealous or feel cheated when others surpass them. Instead, they recognize that success comes with hard work, and they are willing to work hard for their own chance at success.

10. They Don’t Give Up After the First Failure

Mentally strong people don’t view failure as a reason to give up. Instead, they use failure as an opportunity to grow and improve. They are willing to keep trying until they get it right.

11. They Don’t Fear Alone Time

Mentally strong people can tolerate being alone and they don’t fear silence. They aren’t afraid to be alone with their thoughts and they can use downtime to be productive. They enjoy their own company and aren’t dependent on others for companionship and entertainment all the time but instead can be happy alone.

12. They Don’t Feel the World Owes Them Anything

Mentally strong people don’t feel entitled to things in life. They weren’t born with a mentality that others would take care of them or that the world must give them something. Instead, they look for opportunities based on their own merits.

13. They Don’t Expect Immediate Results

Whether they are working on improving their health or getting a new business off the ground, mentally strong people don’t expect immediate results. Instead, they apply their skills and time to the best of their ability and understand that real change takes time.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 233- More Bucket List Items

I mentioned when I first posted my bucket list that some of the things on there I had done before, but put them on there because I wanted to do them again. Yesterday though, I decided to leave seeing Gavin Degraw on there because even though I didn't see him the other night, I had seen him before. So, I decided that since my bucket list are things I want to experience in my life and not just during this year long experience, I will cross off anything and everything I have done.

33.) See All Time Low in concert.
33.) See The Cab in concert.
33.) See Colbie Calliat in concert.
33.) See Dierks Bently in concert.
33.) See Fall Out Boy in concert.
33.) See New Found Glory in concert.
33.) See Phil Wickham in concert.
33.) See Senses Fail in concert.
33.) See Taking Back Sunday in concert.
85.) Go on a tour bus.
86.) Be Side Stage at a concert.
87.) Get backstage tickets to a concert.

Day 233- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for the internships I had and amazing friends I have who have made all those bucket list items possible.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 232- Not Like I Thought

Last night was the night that my friends and I went to The Grove to see the lighting of the tree. I wrote my post before we went and it didn't turn out how I thought. It was more crowded than I thought. We only got to see one person preform (it wasn't Gavin Degraw), and we hardly got any shopping in. Instead of being disappointed though, I looked at it as an adventure. I got to get out of town and go somewhere I don't normally go, I had a nice dinner with friends, and I did something I've never done before. I still found positives in a situation that didn't turn out how I initially thought. That to me proves it was a great night.

Oh, and even though I didn't see him last night, I'm keeping Gavin Degraw crossed off my bucket list since I have seen him before.

Day 232- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for my job. Even though today was a crazy and hectic day (in fact the last few weeks have been like that) I am still thankful for it. Even though it has become better, there are still many out there without jobs, or they are stuck in a job they don't like. I'm grateful to have a job where I get something different each day, I'm never board, and I truly enjoy everyone I work with. Not everyone can say that.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 231- Ignoring My Own Advice (Bucket List Item)

At the end of last month I mentioned how it is important to enjoy the moments in our present instead of jumping to the future. Well today, I'm flying past enjoying the Thanksgiving season and heading right into the Christmas season.

Today myself and 3 of my best girlfriends are going to go and celebrate Christmas today. We are heading to the Grove shopping in Hollywood to see the lighting of this outdoor malls Christmas tree. I guess you would say it is Los Angeles' version of the Rockefeller tree lighting ceremony in New York City. Tonight they will be lighting the tree, providing snow, having fireworks, and having a concert. The best part, it's all free.

My friends and I have decided to make a day of it and go shopping and eating dinner before. We know it will be crowded so we are making sure we go early. I'm also excited because I get to cross off an item on my bucket list as well. One of the artists performing is on my list. Now I saw him last Summer and he was amazing. I wasn't expecting that,which was refreshing. Kinda like a few others on my musicians bucket list, this guy will be on it all the time. He was just that good.

So even though I'm breaking my own advice by skipping forward, I will still enjoy this day for what it is and be fully present the entire time.

33.) See Gavin Degraw in concert.

Day 231- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for pasta. It is my favorite food and I could probably eat it every day. My favorite is ravioli and lasagne. Every since I was little I loved it. It will definitely be a staple in my life forever.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 230- Craft Day

This afternoon I spent it with 2 out of 3 of my nieces working on some Thanksgiving crafts. It didn't turn out as well as I thought, mostly because I still have quit a few crafts I want to do before Thanksgiving day. However, it was nice to spend a cold day inside with them.

Day 230- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for my nieces. I know I have written a few posts in the past about my nieces so I won't spend too much time repeating what I have said before. I will just reiterate that I love them, I love being their Auntie, and whether they realize it or not they have been a huge support for me these last few years. I will always feel indebted to them for just being them when that was what I needed the most. Love you girls!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 229- Da Na Na Na Na Batman

The big story today is of how the entire city of San Francisco, CA turned into Gotham city to fulfill the wish of a 5 year-old boy who is currently in remission from leukemia. He is part of the Make a Wish Foundation, a foundation who grants wishes to kids with terminal illnesses. Miles Scott, known today simply has Batkid, wanted to be Batman for a day and save Gotham City. With the help of over 12,000 volunteers the Make a Wish Foundation and the city of San Francisco granted this little boys wish.

Not only did Miles save the city today, he was granted a key to the city and received a special message from the President of the United States. The fun started the night before when the bat signal was shown on the side of Miles hotel and the news casted a message from San Francisco police chief begging Batkid for his help. The city's newspaper, The San Francisco Chronicle, even released a special version of their paper today that was all about how Batkid saved Gotham. The paper passed out free versions of it at Union Station, but there was such a demand for it they a going to reissue special additions.

As I read the few stories on this little boys adventures today, I was crying my eyes out. In our world today, all we ever seem to hear about is negatives. I can't remember the last time I heard a news cast where there was nothing but murders, death, drugs, and people taking advantage of others. There are times I watch the news and think if anything good actually happened in the world. I wish we lived in a world where there were more stories of people coming together like they did today; stories of hope, happiness, and the kindness of man instead of the evil.

Below are two links to stories that not only explain but show the adventures of Batkid. Try not to cry.
Batkid story
Batkid photos 

Day 229- I'm Thankful for….

I'm thankful for the glimpses of the kindness and compassion of humans in a world that often seems like it is non-existent.    

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day 228- A New Purchase

Last night my mom and I went shopping and I bought a new purse. Tonight I actually had some time to transfer everything from my current purse to the new one. I know it's something small, but a new purse feels like a new change. It's refreshing.

Day 228- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for clothes. I'm not a shoes girl, a jewelry girl, a makeup girl, a purse girl, or a hair girl. I love clothes. I wish I had 10 closets in my house to fill with clothes. Instead I'll have to settle for 1 1/2.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 227- Weird Dreams

Ever since Friday I have not been sleeping very well. I keep having really weird dreams. I think it is because on Friday I saw 2 previews in the movie I went to see that were scary movies. Ever since then I have been having dreams that are either scary and stressful, or just plain odd. While I'm having them I feel stressed, but when I wake up they are so ridiculous and stupid.

Last night I dreamt I was in a really long line to get ice cream. An old co-worker of mine was working there. We were so busy talking that she forgot to give me my order. There were so many people I kept getting pushed out of the way and when I woke up I still didn't have my ice cream.

 I have no idea where I came up with that or what it means. My only thoughts are I dreamt of ice cream because I had some as a dessert last night. I also think there must be something I am wanting, but for some reason I can't get it because there are people in my way. I'm not sure what that is though. Maybe my dream tonight will give me that answer.

Day 227- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for movies. They transport us to another place. They allows to escape, dream, and connect for the few hours each time we watch them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 226- Opportunity, Being Sexy, Life

Over the summer I was watching the Teen Choice Awards. I had initially watched it because I like the television show Glee and I knew they would be doing something special for Corey Monteith. What I did not expect was the speech given by Ashton Kutcher that evening. Simply put, it was amazing. I was reminded of it yesterday when he appeared on The Ellen Degeneres Show and he discussed it. I thought I would post it because it really is a great speech no matter what age you are.

Day 226- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for living in California. Tonight I took Tyson for a walk after dinner. It was warm enough outside that I had only a tank top, jeans, and a lightweight sweater on. Only in California could it be the middle of November and it is still warm enough outside to walk at night with no jacket on.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 225- Too Distracted

Tonight I didn't get home from work until a little after 6pm because I had errands to run. This means that I ate dinner later, took Tyson on a walk later, and got everything ready for tomorrow later. Now, Dancing with the Stars is on and I'm too distracted to give my full attention to writing this post. So instead I'm going to share a quote I found today that mad me smile.

Day 225- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for words. The power that words can provide are amazing. They can cause so much pain or can be the only thing that can bring comfort. Whether we speak them, write them, or read them, words are something that can change everything.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 224- You Knew It Was Coming

If you have read any of my other posts you knew this was eventually coming. so I'm just going to skip straight to the end of my post today.

Day 224- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for my dog Tyson. Next month he will be 4 years-old, and I can't believe how fast that time has gone. I remember the day we got him clear as day still. He was 8 weeks old at that time. He was initially suppose to be my brother's dog, but at some point the bond Tyson and I formed made him mine.

Before Tyson I knew what love was. I knew I loved my parents, my brothers, and the rest of my family, but it was more of a concept than an actual feeling to me. It wasn't until we got Tyson that I finally felt love. I would compare it to the same kind of love between mother and child. A kind of unconditional love that can't be explained, you have to experience it.

Now I've never had a child and that comparison might be totally off. For me though, I think of my pet as my child for right now. Tyson sure has taught me things that children teach their parents. He has taught me how to have endless patience, taught me how to care for something that is extremely dependent on you, taught me  how to listen and figure out what is wrong when there are no words, taught me how to appreciate the simplest things in life, taught me that joy can come multiple times a day, taught me that there are bonds that can run deeper than ever imagined, taught me how to protect what is important to us, and taught me that loyalty to the ones who love us is the most important kind.

The one constant these past 2 years for me has been my family, and that includes Tyson. Cuddling up to him is one of the few things in this world that makes me feel the safest. I'm never alone as long as I have him because he is always right there when I need him. I know for a fact that I would have been much worse off if he wasn't around during this time in my life. He has definitely made me a dog person for the rest of my life.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Day 223- Personality Test

How many out there believe a lot in astrological charts, birth signs, horoscopes, personality tests, etc? I'm a Gemini and I can say that almost every single thing I have ever read involving personality traits of a Gemini are not accurate. There have been a few, but most of the time I have very few similarities. On the Chinese zodiac chart I am an ox, and again I have never read an ox description that matches up with me. My horoscopes never pan out and don't end up being true.

Yesterday, I saw online a game that mixes a personality test and matches the results with a character from Harry Potter. Being a huge Harry Potter fan, of course I took it. The personality test they had me take is known as the Myers-Briggs personality test. This test is a series of questions that determine physiological preferences in how people view the world and make decisions. The test is based on the idea that there are 4 different physiological functions that we use while experiencing the world. They are: sensation, intuition, feeling, and thinking. Out of these 4 sensations, there is often 1 that is dominate the majority of the time.

After taking the test, you will come up with one of the 16 different types of personality types. They present this as a series of 4 letters. In the series of letters one receives there could be an E (extroversion), I (introversion), S (sensing), N (intuition), T (thinking), F (feeling), J (judging), and P (perception). I took the test and ended up with ISFJ, which stands for introversion, sensing, feeling, and judging. Once you have been given your type, they provide a description, which has been the most accurate of me I have ever seen. It describes me as:

The Defender. Traditional, loyal, kind and observant of others. Value stability and cultural norms and are often consistent with work. Known for their kindness and willingness to go to any length to help those in need. Often fear change and try hard to maintain peace.

To me, that sounds 99.9% correct. Oh, and the Harry Potter character I'm most like-Neville Longbottom.

Day 223- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for hockey. My explanation, I'm Canadian. Enough said.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 222- A Much Needed Night Out

After the last three days at work, and especially after the hectic day today, a night out is exactly what I need. I'm going to dinner and then to see the movie Bad Grandpa with a friend of mine. This friend is someone who I have grown extremely close to through this process and who I can talk about anything with. It will be nice to just decompress and discuss this crazy week. Then hopefully, we will be laughing the remainder of the night.

Day 222- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for being able to have friends I have literally grown up with. They say that throughout our lives we have groups of friends for different parts of our lives. As we transition to different ages and stages of our lives, our groups of friends often change as well. That has definitely been true for me, but I have three friends in my life that I have known and been friends with for almost 25 years. Not only is that rare in general, it is also rare since I am only 28 years-old. The most amazing part is, even though over the years there have been times when we were not as close, or did not hangout as often, but we have always been there no matter what. We seem to always come back and stick around with and for each other.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 221- Here Comes A Short One

After the last two days at work I am completely exhausted. Plus I'm starting to get a headache. So unfortunately, this is going to be a very short post. I will probably be going to bed soon. So hopefully a good sleep will come and I'll be re-energized tomorrow.

Day 221- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for cheeseburgers. I'm not a huge meat fan and do not eat a lot of it. I do however, LOVE cheeseburgers. Being a California girl my favorite is In 'N' Out. Double, double with special sauce. Yummy!!!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 220- Habits Of The Healthy

Today I saw online an article about 25 habits that people who are happy, healthy, and successful have. I'm not sure how accurate it is. Plus a lot of it is easier said then done. Either way I thought I would not only share the link to the article, but I thought I would share it below as well that it can be something to look at, work on, and serve as a reminder of all the things I do already that point me in the right direction.

Who among us doesn't want to be a happy, healthy and successful human being? Still, it can be easy to lose your way, which is why I've compiled a list of habits you can use to help reach your goals. 

So what is it about happy people that makes them the way they are? Below are just some of the ways they separate themselves from the rest of the crowd.

1. They don’t hold grudges.

2. They think outside of the box.

3. They go by a routine and make exercise a part of it. It takes practice to develop healthy habits and stick with them. Once you do, your internal foundation will be strong.

4. They have a supportive tribe, thereby not wasting time with negative or toxic people.

5. They don’t care about what other people think. Does a tiger lose sleep over the opinion of sheep?

6. They don’t people please.

7. They see difficult and challenging situations as opportunities for personal growth

8. They consider handling rejection a skill and are resilient.

9. They make time for themselves. Whether it’s getting eight hours of sleep every night, finding 15 minutes to read the newspaper in peace or an hour to go to the gym, they make it a priority — just like everything else. When you take care of yourself, you have a bigger impact on others.

10. They are spiritual. This doesn't necessarily mean religious. It could mean setting aside time for reflection through yoga or meditation.

11. They practice deep breathing.

12. They know there isn’t such a thing as “having it all,” and they’re happy about that. Wouldn’t the world be a boring place for them otherwise?

13. Fear doesn't hold them back. They're ready to take risks.

14. They know how to say “NO,” and don’t hold back. These people have learned to set boundaries. Plenty of them.

15. They learned a great deal from other people whom they admire. Either they had a great mentor, or they took note of how those they aspired to be like handled various situations.

16. They follow their inner guidance. Not only do they have a vision, but they follow it.

17. They give without expecting anything in return.

18. They aren't pretentious or conceited.

19. Passion is what drives them. They authentically believe in what they're doing.  

20. They don't complain.

21. They live by their core values in both their professional and personal lives.

22. They're happy to swim against the tide.

23. They finish what they start.

24. They don't compare themselves to other people.

25. They want you to succeed, too. 

Day 220- I'm Thankful For….

I'm thankful for country music. As a kid my mom had Alan Jackson on cassette tape that we would listen to all the time in the car. Then most of my teenage and young adult years I did not care for country at all. About 4 years ago that changed when I discovered Taylor Swift. After I listened to her I started listening to other country artists and fell in love. Now I can't imagine life without it. Almost every concert I have been to these last few years has been country. It has become something that myself and my closest friends, my parents, and my nieces have bonded over. It is very hard for me to be in a bad mood if country music is.