Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 257- For The Birds

At the beginning of the healing process for me I started to watch birds more and more. I didn't realize I was doing this at first or really knew why I was. It's not like I had been a bird person before. I remember though sitting on a bench outside at work one day while I was on a break. Next to this bench there were some bushes and there always seemed to be birds hiding near the bottom. The first time I noticed them was when I saw out of the corner of my eye two birds. It looked like they were playing tag. It was so cute. After that any time I would sit on that bench I would check to see if there were any birds hiding there.

As time went on I noticed whenever I was outside for whatever reason, whether it was walking Tyson or just enjoying being outdoors, I would watch birds I saw. Something about the way they fly around seems so peaceful. It would make me feel peaceful as well. Now I'm not going to turn into some crazy bird lady, but try it. The next time you are outside and you see a bird watch it. They could be flying around, walking on the ground, or playing tag. Just watch one. See how content and peaceful they seem, and tell me if it rubs off on you. It just may surprise you how you feel like it did to me.

Day 257- A Christmas Story

I thought this trick of falling asleep before take off might actually work until I felt the plane starting to back up.

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