This item I am going to cross off today isn't on my list right now. It was something I have always wanted to do, but didn't realize it was something I wanted on my list until today.
As you know I did not grow up religious. Going to church was unheard of in my family. I had friends though who did go to church, but only on Easter and Christmas Eve. For whatever reason I had always wanted to go but I never asked anyone to go with them. To me it seemed like it would be something fun. Well this past Easter I went to church so I am putting it on and crossing it off my bucket list. Apparently, the one time I spent Christmas in Canada we went to 8:00 P.M. mass on Christmas Eve, but I don't remember nor did I have the beliefs I have now. Tonight I will also add and cross off going to church on Christmas Eve to my bucket list. Two items off the list is a nice way to start the holiday.
118.) Go to Church Easter Sunday.
119.) Go to Church Christmas Eve.
Day 267- A Christmas Story
I hadn’t thought about it or been asked in that way, so when he did it took me back a bit.
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