Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 303- Bed Buddies

One of my mom's favorite stories to tell is about me and one of my best friends. He and I have been friends since we were about 19 years-old. We were working at the same clothing store when we met. Even after I quit we stayed friends, and we eventually worked at another job together. This past summer I had the joy of seeing him get married. He was a huge support during my rough few years. He will definitely be a friend for life.

Now we thought when we met at 19 years-old, that was the first time we ever met. It wasn't until a friend of ours had a baby that we discovered that wasn't true. My friend and I were born 3 days apart. I was born with a bunch of health issues and he was a premie so we both spent time in the ICU. We were born at the same hospital. We both had the same ICU nurse. We literally had our incubators right next to each other.

Now when I left the hospital I ended up growing up in a certain part of the valley. My friend grew up in another part. Eventually his family moved and ended up in the same area as my family. As a result we ended up at the same workplace. How cool is that? I definitely think we were meant to be friends.

Day 303- A Challenge A Day

Me as a baby


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