Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 284- Learned Something New

There is an old say "You learn something new every day." Well today I learned something new about myself…I have a dimple in my left cheek. I'm not someone who is always looking at themselves in the mirrors so I'm not surprised I never noticed it. Now I don't have them when I smile, but they are there. Tonight I was putting vasaline on my lips because they have been pretty chapped and regular chapstick isn't cutting it. When I went to press my lips together and rub the vasaline in, I saw the dimple in my cheek. Who knew?

Day 284- A Challenge A Day

(Not a typical day, but this was not a typical week)

6:05AM- Alarm goes off
6:45AM- Finally get out of bed
6:45-6:50AM- Take Tyson outside and give him his breakfast
6:50-7:20AM- Get ready for work
7:20-8:00AM- Drive to work
8:00-10:00AM- Answer emails, get ready for the meetings at work
10:00-11:30AM- Conference call at work
11:30AM - 12:00PM- Answer messages received while in conference call
12:00-1:30PM- Lunch meeting
1:45-6:15PM- Work on wrapping everything up from the week at work
6:15-6:45PM- Drive home
6:45- 7:15PM- Eat dinner
7:20-7:45PM- Take Tyson for a walk
7:45-8:20PM- Play on my phone
8:20-8:45PM- Write blog
8:45-9:00PM- Work on laundry
9:00PM-??- Watch TV
??PM- Go to bed

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