How many out there believes that what we do can have an enormous impact on someone else? It can be someone in our every day life or a stranger we cross in passing. It can be something we are aware that we are doing, or something we have not idea about. How many times has someone else had an effect on you? Say you were having a bad day and a stranger simply smiled at you. That can change your entire day. Or if you were having a great day and someone cuts you off while driving, that can bring down your entire mood.
I had always know that what I do every day of my life can make an impact on those around me. Working in retail for so many years I saw it on a daily basis. I still see it at my job now. I had always thought it was bigger things that I did that were the true determining factors in affecting and impacting others. It wasn't until I was dealing with my own issues that I realized that it truly is the little things.
There is a quote that says something along the lines about not judging others because you don't know what their journey/path is all about. It just reminds me that we never know what another person is growing through. So many people that I have told I have had struggles in the past can't believe I would ever have had issues with anxiety and depression. Even when I was in the thick of it most people didn't know how bad it really was. The same can be said for every single person you pass by each day.
Remember that a kind word, a smile, holding the door open, saying hello, or simply asking how someone is doing can change and affect someone's entire day. We truly do have the power to effect everyone we encounter. It is up to us if we want that power to be negative or positive. This doesn't mean we have to be happy and polite and positive every day. We are all entitled to bad days. Just remember though how on those bad days the smallest thing from another could have changed the bad day into a good day.
Day 292- A Challenge A Day
5 Things that irritate me about the opposite sex
1.) Baggy pants/sagging
2.) Spitting
3.) Facial hair
4.) They all think getting hit in the private area is funny (no matter the age)
5.) When they get in physical fights for no reason
5 Things that irritate me about the same sex
1.) How negative/judgmental they can be to other women
2.) Gossiping too much
3.) Wear too much makeup
4.) Wear unflattering clothing
5.) When they get in physical fights for no reason
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