Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 275- Happy New Year!!

Today is the official start of the new year. I'm excited for the new possibilities that this day can bring, but I am also sad to see 2013 go. It wasn't a perfect year, but it was a year full of changes and the best I have had in awhile. I started a new job, I got a new car, I paid off a few bills, I grew closer to family and friends, I started this blog, I checked items off on my bucket list, and I found new activities that make me happy.

The biggest change was finally seeking help for my anxiety and depression. I even overcame a fear and realized that I needed to start taking medication in order to help deal with it. It was worth it though because I feel more mentally stable than I have in what feels like forever. I was able to open up to not only with myself but the world. By taking the leap of faith and finding my inner strength I was able to work on myself and make the effort to grow and change. There is still work to be done, but that's life. We are suppose to continually grow and change.

A lot of other people see the New Year as a chance to change, hence New Year Resolutions are made. The only probably is that the majority of people don't keep the resolutions they make and they get down on themselves. So instead I am going to make wishes for myself. That way if they don't come true it was only a wish. I can make those as often as I like.

My wishes are:
1.) That I start to make flossing a routine. I don't do it every day and I know I should.
2.) That I get in enough shape to finally run a 5K this year.
3.) That I not only add to my bucket list, that I cross more things off.
4.) That I keep growing and continue to keep getting healthier both mentally and physically.

Day 275- A Challenge A Day

Now, with the start of the new month, and new year,  I will be ending each posts in a new way. This month I'm going to do a 30 day challenge. I realize that January has 31 days, so today I will post a photo of what each challenge will be so you can see what this month is all about and then start tomorrow.

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