Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 154- Expand Your Vocabulary

It is a new month which means I will be ending each post in a new way. I actually had a hard time coming up with something this month. I asked my Mom and a few friends if they had any suggestions, but none of them really grasped me. It wasn't until maybe 30 minutes ago I decided what I was going to do.

Lately I have felt that a lot of my posts haven't really had lessons in them. In the begging I was writing and teaching a lot about things I learned in therapy or about what I had learned from books that I read on anxiety and depression. Since I have come to understand my issues and ways to deal with them over the last few months, I have not been to therapy in awhile, plus the books I have been reading have been more for pleasure than for learning.

Since this month is generally the time when people go back to school, I want to get back to teaching. Even if it is something small, I want to leave you with something new and something you could use in your every day life. Now for me, someone who loves to write and who reads, I don't think I have a very wide range of vocabulary. I feel like I use the same words over and over. One thing I do though is I always have a dictionary on me. I have one in my phone. Any time I'm reading and see a word I don't know or hear someone use a word I don't know the meaning to, I look it up. It is a way for me to learn something new.

So, at the end of each post I'm going to end with the word of the day in my dictionary and its meaning. Then I will try to use that word either when I'm talking to someone or in my posts the next day. I challenge you to do the same. This month we can all hopefully learn together.

Day 154- Vocabulary Word of the Day- Auspicate (AW-spi-keyt): verb- to initiate with ceremonies calculated to ensure good luck; inaugurate.


We decided to auspicate our love.

Here at the center of the nation beneath the portals of the capital let us solemnly auspicate the new era of violated promises and tarnished faith.

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