Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 173- Quality Time With My Dad

This weekend my mom has gone out of town to visit a friend. That means it is just me, my dad, my brother, and Tyson for the weekend. My brother is working tonight so I suggested to my dad this afternoon that he and I go out and have dinner....kinda like a father-daughter night. I don't know when the last time, if ever, he and I have done this.

I have mentioned before that one of the greatest humdinger to come out of this whole situation is that I have become much more understanding, patient, and grateful for my dad. Seeing how much he has been there for me over the past two years has been truly amazing. Even though I am very close to my mom it is so nice that I can also say I am close with my dad as well, and it is important to me that he and I have more nights like this.

Day 173- Vocabulary word of the Day- Parnassian (pahr-NAS-ee-uhn) adjective: 1.) pertaining to poetry. 2.) pertaining to Mount Parnassus. 3.) of, pertaining to, or noting a school of French poets of the latter half of the 19th century, characterized chiefly by a belief in art for art's sake, by an emphasis on metrical form, and by the repression of emotive elements: so called from Le Parnasse Contemporian, the title of their first collection of poems, published in 1866. 4.) a member of the Parnassian school of French poets.

Example: However, your quest is dignified by its very disinterestedness; it is distanced from real human concerns and suffering; it is Parnassian, academic, aloof, elitist.

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