When I first started this process I had the thought in my head that I was going to do something every day that I loved. I was going to make a point of it and actively go out and do something. Making a point of doing something each day began to feel like a chore. It began to feel like an obligation; it was a task I HAD to do, not that I WANTED to do.
In place of doing a specific thing each day, I have incorporated some of the things I love the most into my every day life. Instead of making a point to do them, they just come naturally and are part of my every day. Each day I hangout with my family, I go for a walk with my mom and Tyson, I give my parents a hug, I write, I listen to music, and I have cuddle time with Tyson. These are the things that are most important to me and that I love the most right now, so I have made them part of my EVERY DAY life. Anytime I do something else off my love list, it's like a bonus.
This new way of life actually came pretty easy. I just sat down and really looked at what is important to me: my family, my dog, and having something creative in my life. Once I realized this it was fairly easy to work those things into my daily life since I had already identified activities I enjoy doing that involves them. It wasn't a chore, something I HAD to do. I WANTED to do them.
As this process has progressed and as I have slowly began to feel better and feel more like myself my outlook has changed. Instead of doing something every day I love, I have realized there is something to love about every day.
Day 170- Vocabulary Word of the Day- Fleer (fleer) verb: 1.) to grin or laugh coarsely or mockingly. 2.) to mock or deride. 3.) a fleering look; a jeer or gibe.
Example: His lips fleer back, baring his teeth.
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