Sunday, October 27, 2013

Day 210- Proven Again

This weekend has proven to me once again that when I am tired or not feeling well physically, my anxiety heightens. The last 3 days my back has been sore and I have not been sleeping too great. I have been having really weird dreams which have caused me to not wake up feeling rested or refreshed. Yesterday my neck and upper back were VERY sore and I felt pretty exhausted. Today I too have been a little sore and tired. As a result, I've been a bit edgy the last 3 days.

The thing is in the past I would freak out when I wasn't feeling well physically. Since a lot of my anxiety manifested physically (feeling edgy, nausea, and hot flashes), I wasn't able to make the distinction between if I really was sick or just anxious. I hated it. I could not stand the feeling of anxiety. I would feel anxious because I didn't feel well and I wasn't feeling well because I was anxious.

There is a difference now though. Now I understand and recognize the difference of not feeling well because I'm sick or I'm sick because I'm anxious. I know that as a result of actually feeling not the best some feelings of edginess and uneasiness may come. I am being mindful of what is going on in my body and how it is reacting. I tell myself that I'm tired or I'm not feeling okay, which means I may feel a little anxious. It is realizing that and accepting it that causes it to not escalate further. It allows me to still function, which is something I use to not be able to say.

Day 210- Happy Halloween

I wish someone around our neighborhood would have something cool like this.

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