Friday, October 18, 2013

Day 201- Classic

 One way to help calm down, reduce anxiety, and eliminate stress is to listen to classical music. Now the majority of us have heard the studies that have shown that listening to classical music while we study actually helps us retain the information better. There are even some out there who say that if you have your children listen to classical music while still in the womb they show higher intelligence. There have even been studies that shows listening to classical music helps to promote healing because it releases a purity hormone that speeds things along.

Classical music can produce a calming effect by releasing pleasure-inducing dopamine and inhibit the release of stress hormones, which generates a pleasant, calm, and happy mood. Other advantages to listening to classical music are lowering blood pressure and reduce pain. Now I know not everyone enjoys classical music, but if you don't mind it or have no opinion on it, try it. Listening to it thirty minutes a day can produce a calming effect that just might last you the entire day.

Day 201- Happy Halloween

There are tons of classical music that is out there. My favorite classical composer is named Carter Burwell. He has created a lot of scores for movies. With it being Halloween though, I decided to put up a Halloween inspired song. It definitely wouldn't make me relax, but it goes with the theme of the month.

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