If I could describe my perfect job it would to be not work at all. Now I wouldn't want to just sit around and do nothing. I wish I could just win the lottery so I wouldn't have to worry about money, and then go to school and volunteer the rest of my life. That would be my perfect job.
I'm one of those weird people who loved going to school. I love being in class, working on projects, and learning new things. I even don't mind homework that much. I do, however, hate taking tests and giving presentations, but I can manage them. I think why I like it so much is because I was really lucky that school has always come pretty easy to me and I always did really well.
One of the more disappointing things is that I have yet to return to school to get Master's Degree. I'm hoping one day I can, but at this point it's not financially possible. If I was able to go to school forever I would get not only my Master's, but probably a bunch of different Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in a ton of different subjects so that I can learn anything and everything I could. All the while, I would volunteer at either a hospital, animal rescue, or with children.
It's been just over 5 years since I was in school and sometimes I don't miss it, but a lot of times I do.
Day 89- Photo a Day Challenge- Last Day of School
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