Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 80- It's Anxiety

Well I determined that it's not me being sick, it's my anxiety. I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but in case I haven't I'll say it now. Whenever we are experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, etc. it literally changes the chemicals in our brain. That's where the term chemical imbalance comes from. The longer these emotions are present, the longer it takes for the chemicals to balance back out. Since I've been dealing with this on and off for the last 2 years I find that it's easier for my chemicals to be released which means I can develop these things probably faster than people who don't have issues with them. It's also probably why my anxiety can last longer than for others. This is all theory, however, and I'm not sure it's 100% fact.

I have noticed though, that even though my anxiety has been peaked for the last 3 days, its not as intense as it use to be. Before, I had a hard time functioning when this happened, but now I feel like even though the anxiety is there, it's manageable. It's actually more annoying than anything else. Which means I'm making progress.

Even though this month I've been doing pictures instead of saying what I did that day that I love, I thought I would mention I'm still doing things every day. Today I actually did quit a few. I cleaned my room, I did laundry, I cuddled with Tyson, I read a book in the pool, and tonight I'm going to dinner with friends I haven't seen in awhile. And even though I did them, I want to tell you it didn't make me feel 100% better.  However, I'll go to bed tonight knowing I not only accomplished things, I did things for myself. So maybe that fact will process in my brain overnight and everything will be back to what I call normal for me.

Day 80- Photo a Day Challenge- Pajamas

My pajamas change quit often, but it's always in the same field. In summer I wear shorts and either a tank top or t-shirt. In winter I wear leggings and a t-shirt. This is what I wore to bed last night.

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