Sunday, June 23, 2013

Day 84- Color Me Rad

Yesterday I completed another item off my bucket list. I participated in a color run. For those who don't know what a color run is it is a 5K (3.1 miles) run/walk. The idea is to wear at least some light colored clothing piece and then throughout the run there are different stations. At these stations there are volunteers who are either spraying you with a specific color or throwing powder on you. Both the liquid and powder is corn starch and completely gluten free. By the time you are done with the race you should be covered head to toe in color. You basically are a walking tie dyed person.

 Obviously it's called a color run, but since this run is more for fun a lot of people walk. My group and I ran the first quarter mile or so, but with so many people who were mostly walking it became too difficult to run. Also, at each of the color stations there are so many people trying to get colored it got too backed up. We could have ran through those sections, but then we probably wouldn't have received as much color. And come on, it's a color run, the whole point is to get covered in color. The last quarter of mile though we did run so that we would have a strong finish. Like most runs, we saw a wide range of people including women, men, teens, young adults, kids, children still young enough to be pushed in a stroller, couples, families, and friends.

Our team was made up of 8 girls total, including myself. Two of the girls were from my core group of girlfriends. They are who, besides my family, I talk to and hangout with the most. The other 5 girls included my friend's younger sister and 4 of her friends. Since this run is fun, being dressed up is highly encouraged. Yesterday we saw tutus, cowboys, Indians, and super heroes. My group and I decided to wear matching socks. This was actually a great idea because a few times we lost track of some people, so all we did was look down to find our socks.

We got there a little early so we could pick up our registration packets. With our packets we also received a t-shirt, sunglasses, and a tattoo. There were other items we could buy, but we decided to spend our time taking pictures, dance to the music, and watch people do Zumba. There were also food trucks there that we took advantage of AFTER the run (I highly suggest trying the food truck called THE MELT if you ever see it; best grilled cheese sandwiches).

The actual race was very fun. It took us about an hour to complete. It definitely went by too fast! I was surprised when I saw the finish line. I felt like I could have gone another hour. The best part was the end though. Just after the finish line there was an area where they gave you your own packet of color. It was here that your group was to get together and pour color on each other. I think I got more color here than at a few stations. It was amazing.

Now that it is done, I'm so glad I did it. I will definitely be doing one again. There are a few things I would change though. Next time I will be wearing shorts and not leggings. I also would like to get more into a theme for a team outfit. I would also like to do a run with my entire family. I would also like to volunteer (the volunteers throwing color looked like they were having more fun than some people). Finally, I wish they had been playing music the full length of the race instead of just at color stations.

Out of all the things I have done so far on my bucket list this has been the most fun. I suggest if you have ever thought about doing one before you should.

Day 84- Photo Challenge a Day- Outfit of the Day

Still so happy about my color run yesterday, I wore my shirt they gave us proudly!

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