Friday, June 7, 2013

Day 68- A Thoughtful Surprise

Tonight I was looking for a card to send along with a package I need to send out tomorrow. I was looking in my mom's bed side table because that's where she keeps the cards. While looking I found a bunch of the old Mother's Day and Father's Day cards my brother and I made my parents when we were kids. There were the obvious ones we made in school, and then the few we made on our own.

It was amazing to see not only how much our handwriting has changed, but how much better we have become at forming sentences. It was interesting to see that things I appreciate about my parents and tell them often now, I was saying even when I was in kindergarten. A note I wrote for my mom in 2002 I could have easily written word for word this past Mother's Day. I don't know if that means I haven't become more creative in my words over the years, but I think that it definitely means that my parents have remained constant over the years in the way that they have been in our lives and the way that we view them.

Sure, over the years my relationships with my parents have changed. I think as the years go by my mom and I become closer, which surprises me all the time because I think we couldn't possibly be any closer than we are now but we always find a way. Growing up I would constantly bicker with my dad because we are both so stubborn and always had to have the last word. We still have our moments even now, but I've learned to accept and enjoy him much more than I did when I was a teenager. Especially these last few years I have certainly realized how much he loves me.

I never would have thought looking for a card tonight I would find what I found. It was so touching to know that my mom has hung onto these items all these years. It sort of made me realize how true an idea we hear a lot actually is. The idea that you never really realize how important something we ourselves may view as small can actually mean a great deal to someone else. It truly is the little things that count and matter most. Finding those cards made my day today. It was just something so small, but it changed my entire day.

 Day 68- Photo a Day Challenge- Fear

I am absolutely TERRIFIED of snakes. I can't walk down the reptile area in a pet store, I can't go into the reptile area at a zoo, I even had a hard time looking for a picture of a snake to put on here. They are slimy, can slither anywhere, some are extremely dangerous, and they are just plain gross. I don't really hate anything, but I HATE snakes.

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