Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Day 344- Family First

The biggest lesson I have learned this past year is how important and how much I need my family. They are the biggest support system. In my biggest moments of weakness they were the ones there listening to me and picking me up. Even when I was being ridiculous and annoying, which I know I was, they were there without complaint. They were there for me when I need someone to give me advice, when I needed someone to tell me it was going to be alright, and when I needed someone to wipe my tears. They were also there with me celebrating my victories, encouraging my goals, and loving me every step of the way.

I'll never forget when I heard the theory that as we get older, family is so important because ultimately that's all we have. Family members are the ones that are always part of who we are no matter where we go. The truth is, I don't plan on going far. I think one of the main ways I will continue to be happy is by having my family close by. I don't know where I will eventually end up, but I know it will be near my family.

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