Through life's ups and downs, and with the love and support of family and friends, I have learned that my greatest attribute is my strength.
This is what I want my 140 characters to say about my life. It took me a little to not only come up with this, but also to get it to 140. I'll break each part down to explain why I chose it.
Through life's up and downs..........
It's no surprise that through out our life time we will all experience ups and downs. It's inevitable. I sure have had mine, especially in the last few years. Even though these last few months I have been on an upward path, at some point it will go down again. That knowledge and reality that one day I will be experiencing a down again has brought some fear. The fear of not being in control 100% of my life has been the root of the majority of my anxiety. I have to remember though, the cliche saying that "We can't control what happens, we can just control how we react." But there is something I learned recently and I'm working on every day to remember and deeply believe. I wrote out my truth to remind me that life will have ups and downs, but I will be ok. It goes like this: When life throws me something unexpected, and it will because it always does, I will be just fine. I will figure out exactly what I need when I need it. I will not waste my energy worrying about something that is non-existent. I won't waste my time.
And with the love and support of family and friends,......
I think I have written enough posts so far talking about my family and friends. I can't emphasis enough that we all need to have some form of support system. Even when we aren't experiencing life's downs, we need others there to share in life's ups. I can't even imagine where I would be without my family and friends.
I have learned that my greatest attribute is my strength.........
I often heard through out all my health issues that I handled everything so well and that I was so strong. I always just took think with a grain of salt. Sometimes when we are in a situation we don't always see how others on the outside perceive it. I never thought I was strong, I just did what I had to. I still have trouble giving myself credit for my strength, but in the last year I have started to believe it more and more. It took just over 26 years before all the health stuff I went through finally was felt and dealt with. I know it took tremendous strength to admit that I need help and sought out therapy, and it took tremendous strength to share my struggles with the world. I still have to work on 100% believing that, but if I I know that I want that to be one thing said about me, how strong I am, then it will be true.
So I ask you again, if you had to sum up your life in 140 characters, what would it say?
Day 44- Thing I Love to Do........Getting a good night sleep.
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