Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 2- Mindfulness

If I had to rate my anxiety/depression today on a scale from 1-10, 1 being non-existent and 10 being unbearable, I would rate it a 3. I initially woke up with anxiety because my first thoughts were "Am I going to have a good day? Will my anxiety be out of control?"But as the day went on I had a lot of things to do and didn't really have time to worry about anything.

This is something I have been doing the last 3 weeks or so, rating my anxiety. I have been rating my anxiety for the day to see if I can notice any patterns or simply see how I have been doing day to day. This is something I learned in therapy, and I have found its definitely done more good than bad. What I learned, however, that what is most important is not the overall rating for the day, but to notice if there are any spikes in anxiety throughout the day. It is noticing those anxiety spikes that is most important. When there are those spikes, it is the figuring out why you are having the spike. I learned that this is something called mindfulness. Here is what I learned to ask myself when I am having a spike and using mindfulness:

1.) How am I feeling right now IN my body?
2.) Where am I feeling this in my body?
3.) What was I just thinking?
4.) What am I telling myself?

For me, what I've learned the most from this so far is the signs my body physically feels when I am having anxiety. For me, I get a hot sensation in the back of my neck and arms, I get nausea, and I feel like I'm on edge and nervous. Now, whenever I feel these sensations I know I'm probably developing or already have some anxiety. Once I notice this I stop, take a moment, take a few breaths, and just think about what I'm telling myself. NOTE: I am in no way an expert in this and it doesn't always work. I have only been doing this for a few weeks and it doesn't always work, but I would definitely say to give it a try.

Now, on to the fun stuff. The thing I did today that I love- GO TO THE GYM!!!!

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