Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 14- Who is Your Best Friend?

Well, the vacation is over. We got home this afternoon and unpacked and did some chores. It was nice to get away, relax, and spend some time with family. Tomorrow though, its back to work, back to the routine, and back to reality. I'm lucky though that part of my routine and reality is spending time with my sister-in-law. Today is actually her birthday and I am so thankful for the day she was born. I can honestly say I don't know where I would be without her, especially recently. Growing up I had 2 brothers (and I love both of them), but every girl wishes for a sister. Someone to share clothes, secrets, and experiences with. We don't share clothes very often, but we do share the other stuff.

My older brother is 13 years older than me, so I don't actually have a lot of memories of growing up in the same house with him. By the time I was old enough to have vivid memories, 7-8 years-old, he was off at college. He got married a year after he graduated and lived in northern California for a while. After that he and his family moved to Orange County, and finally settled in their home now about 7 years ago. They actually live 10 minutes away.

My sister-in-law is 10 years older than me, so growing up we didn't have too much in common. While I was learning to drive she was on her second child. I always liked her and enjoyed hanging out with her, we were just at different points in our lives. It wasn't until 5 years ago when everything changed. I know most people will think this is crazy, but the thing that brought me and my sister-in-law together was Twilight. After reading the first Twilight book over Thanksgiving weekend, she asked me to go see the movie with her. After that I soon got the books and we both read them. It finally gave us something in common.

After this it was like the flood gates opened. We started talking about all kinds of stuff, hanging out outside of family functions, and becoming friends. I think minus my mom she is probably the person I am closest to in my life. I have shared things with her that I haven't with others, I always want to get her advice and vent to her, and she is on my list of people I have to tell whenever something good or bad happens. If someone were to ask me who my best friend is I would say her without thinking twice about it.

These last few years that I have been dealing with all of my issues she has without a doubt been a huge part of my support system. I can't even tell you how many hours I have spent crying to her and talking things through with her. She is my therapist in between therapy sessions.

So, to my wonderful sister-in-law, I am so grateful for you. My brother could not have picked a better sister for me to have. Love you!

Day 14: Thing I love to do.........Watching Tyson Play.

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