Smiling. It seems like something so simple, but it can have extremely important effects. The average child smiles about 400 times a day, adults smile about 20 times a day. That is a huge difference! And the effects can be huge as well. Studies have shown that we actually start smiling while still in the womb, so we start to smile even before we know what it is.
There is a connection between our brains and when we smile. Every time we smile, it reduces stress hormones like adrenaline in our body, and it actually increases mood- enhancing hormones like endorphins. Maybe this is why children are often so much happier than adults? They have so many more happy hormones flying around in their body and brain, which in turn makes them genuinely happier.
Let me ask you something. If you knew you had to go up and talk to a specific person, would you feel better if when walking up to them they had no emotion on their face or would you feel better if they were smiling? Most people would say smiling. You see, when people have a happier way about their face (they have a smile) they often invite more people in and have more interaction with others. Human interaction is one of the key things we humans need in order to live a healthy life.
When I started therapy my therapist told me to smile more. She said it didn't matter if there was any actual reason to smile, just do it. She explained that by smiling it increases the "happy hormones," which in turn can actually make your brain start to believe you're happy. At first, I felt so fake and ridiculous. Why should I smile, I wasn't happy and I was convinced others would be able to tell. But I did it any way. After a few days I noticed a difference. I wouldn't say I was 100% the happiest person in the world, but I didn't feel so sad for no reason at all anymore.
So I challenge everyone today to smile at least once. It doesn't matter if there is a reason for it or not, just do it. If you feel like nothing happens, then fine, it was only a smile. But if it does make a difference, think of how amazing it will be knowing that if you ever need a pick me up all you have to do is smile. :)
Day 17- Thing I love to do.......Watch cute animal videos on YouTube.
Watch this video here and try not to smile.
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