Monday, July 29, 2013

Day 120- I'm a Big Girl Now!

Today I had my first shift at my new job, all by myself. I didn't have my trainer I had with me all last week. From my perspective, it went fairly well. I had a few people tell me that I was doing a really good job. They have all been very open to helping me when I do have questions, and they have all been giving me pointers. Nothing so far has made me go, "What did I get myself into?!" I know it will still take a few weeks to get into my own groove, but so far so good. Which is such a relief!!

The funny thing is, I know for a lot of people starting a new job in a completely new field could give a lot of stress and anxiety. This type of situation doesn't do that for me. Of course I was a little nervous the last week at times, which is normal for most people, but nothing like the anxiety I have developed in the past. For me, it is my own safety and health, as well as the safety and health of my loved ones, that triggers my anxiety. I think knowing this, the type of things and situations that can trigger my anxiety, that made me not stress about this job transition. Knowing that I could handle this because I have done so in the past, presented a calming effect in me.

That's one thing that is extremely important, identifying your triggers. That way you can begin to learn ways to cope, and you will realize all the things that you don't worry about. Once you can pinpoint this, it will make everything seem less overwhelming; as well as help to lessen the stress in other areas and not cause you to create a new anxiety.

Day 120- Words of Wisdom.... "A good book can change a person's life." AND "Your image of yourself is different in your mind than in the minds of others." AND "Catch a good sunset from time to time."

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