All of my anxiety in the past has been not feeling like I was in control of things. I wanted to know everything, know all the answers. It was not feeling in control in my situations, especially my body, that would cause the most anxiety in me. How I have become more relaxed and comfortable in letting go of control is by 2 ways. The first is really realizing that I have been through extremely hard things because of my health as a child. Yes they were tough physically, but they were tough mentally and emotionally as well. I got through those things just fine. If I was in control of my life I probably would have chosen not to experience any of those things. If I didn't, then who would I be now? I probably wouldn't be as strong mentally and emotionally as I am; I probably wouldn't be as determined as i am to never be treated differently; I probably wouldn't be so close with my family; and I probably wouldn't be as compassionate towards others in need.
The other way I got passed my control issues was realizing that I was in control all the time. There is a saying "The only thing we can control is how we deal with things." I know that life is going to throw me things, I can't control that. I can, however, control how I react, cope, and deal. By having this small comfort of knowing that no matter what happens, I will always have some tiny bit of control, made the larger fear of having no control grow smaller.
Day 100- Words of Wisdom.... "The Answer I beg have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a foreign language. Don't search for the answers which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday in the future, you will gradually without ever noticing it, live your way into the answer."
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