Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 217- Is The Universe Friendly?

When I really want to write but I am stumped for inspiration I read a book I was given called Attitudes of Gratitude by M.J. Ryan. I have mentioned it before in past posts, but it really is a great book to get you to look at things in a different perspective. Every time I read it I not only start to examine my own perspectives, but I will reflect on different aspects of my life. I will either recognize the things I am grateful for, or the things I continue to need work on.

In the particular chapter I read today the author quotes another writer, Joan Borysenko. The quote states, "Einstein was asked what he thought the most important question was that a human being needed to answer. His reply was, 'Is the universe friendly or not?'" M.J. Ryan goes on to explain how depending on how we answer this question greatly impacts on if we are happy, joyful, and grateful or not.

Ryan describes it in this way. If we think the universe is friendly then we often believe that the universe is not out to get us, that it is on our side, that good things will find their way to us, and that if there are bumps and suffering they are there to teach us lessons and to help us grow. As a result, we are thankful and full of gratitude naturally. If we think the universe is unfriendly we believe that there is nothing but struggles ahead, that bad things are sent on purpose or completely random, there is nothing we can count on, and that we must prepare ourselves for the next crisis to appear. When this is our belief we are grateful on a day to day basis. We are only grateful when things are going well and in our favor.

Now even though I would say that I have become a much happier and positive person, my initial answer to the question Is the universe friendly? was no, it is not friendly. When I look at how Ryan explains both sides though, I have beliefs both in the yes outlook and no outlook. So does that mean I believe the universe is more like us and can simply be friendly one day and unfriendly the next?

I do believe that good things will come to all of us if we are open to them, and that bumps and suffering are there to teach us lessons and to help us grow. I also believe that it is important for us to prepare for the next crisis in life because there will be one. At some point we will have to deal with a crisis. It can be the loss of a love one, an unfavorable health diagnosis, financial issues, the end of a friendship/relationship, etc. If I didn't believe we had to prepare, then why else have I been working on gaining better coping skills and learning on what I need in order to live a positive functioning life?

I know Einstein was considered one of the greatest minds out there and I would be curious to see what his answer to that question was. I don't think it is a simple yes or no like Ryan explains it to be in her book. I think throughout life we will have a a different answer depending on where we are at, but I also think we have to consider a different answer. Maybe one day I will be able to say without any doubt that YES, the universe is friendly. Right now though, my answer is SOMETIMES.

Day 217- I'm Thankful For....

I'm thankful that in 1873 two men named Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss invented blue jeans. I think if these were not invented that a large majority of us would be walking around most days half naked.  In North America alone we are 39% of the worlds denim jean purchasers. Personally, I have over a dozen pair of jean pants and jean shorts in my closet right now. There was a time when it was considered inappropriate for women to wear jeans. I would not have survived then. For a girl who loves fashion, I am very thankful for jeans.

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