Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 332- Feel The Progress

For me the coolest part of this entire year is when I have been able to notice the changes. Being able to see and feel the progress is one of the best feelings in the world. This happened to me last night.

One big item for me that I wanted to work on this year is to finally RUN a 5K. I will admit I haven't been as fully dedicated as I would like to, but I am still trying. In order to get prepared I downloaded an app on my phone to help me. Now you are suppose to slowly increase the amount of time you run on a weekly basis. Like everything else when it comes to change, you have to go at a pace that is right for you.

For me, being able to increase my pace and stamina by running only 3 days each week is not something that would be realistic. I knew that even before I started so I am not being hard on myself or getting discouraged. In my reality a "week" is actually 2-3 weeks since I can run only 2 days per week. This is okay with me.

When I started 2 weeks ago, by the middle of the workout I was struggling. I felt like I could never catch my breath and I wanted to quit. I pushed through, but it was not easy. Last night, however, there was no struggle. I didn't feel like I wanted to stop in the middle. I wouldn't say it was easy, but I didn't think it was hard. So I have one more day on my "week" before I go to the next level.

I felt so proud of myself last night. Even though I set a goal of running a 5K, in the back of my mind I doubted myself. After last night though, I now know that if I keep up with it I can actually do it. That little evidence of progress is enough to make me want to keep with it. The same goes with keeping with  what I have been doing in regards to my anxiety and depression. Seeing the progress I have made this last year makes me wanting to keep pushing on. The feeling or pride and seeing progress is a feeling I won't mind having all the time.

Day 332- Love Notes

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