Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 309- Chaos

Right now I feel like my life is in complete chaos and that I need to get my life together. The reason may not be why you think. I feel this way because my room is dirty. Now I'm sure the majority of people who would walk into my room right now would disagree. But for me, who is total Type A personality and borderline OCD, it is dirty. I have unopened mail on my desk, I did not make my bed today before leaving for work, my dresser has books and nail polish on it that needs to be put away, and my dirty clothes basket in my closet is filled to the top.

Not to mention, my purse is in need to be cleaned out as well because there are papers and what I consider trash in there. Also, it's been awhile since I verified and balanced my personal bank ledger with my online statement. Instead of freaking out about all these things that I need to clean up and get done so that I not feel like my life is a mess, I'm going to ignore it. I'm going to curl up in my unmade bed and watch shows I have taped on the DVR. that's healthy, right? I'm sure I'll get to it tomorrow, but tonight I'm going to not let it get to me and relax. The truth is, by not freaking out about it and realizing that those things are not the deciding factor on if my life is a mess is healthy. In fact, my life is more in order than it was this time a year ago.

Day 309- Love Notes

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